
Physical and Virtual Addressing

  • Main memory: an array of M contiguous(连续的) byte-size cells(单元). Each byte has a unique physical address (PA) {0, 1, 2, 3 … }

  • The most natural way for a CPU to access memory would be to use physical addresses. We call this approach physical addressing.

  • When the CPU executes the load instruction, it generates an effective physical address and passes it to main memory over the memory bus. The main memory fetches the 4-byte word starting at physical address 4 and returns it to the CPU, which stores it in a register.

  • Modern processors use a form of addressing known as virtual addressing

  • The CPU accesses main memory by generating a virtual address (VA), which is converted to the appropriate physical address before being sent to main memory.

Address Spaces

  • An address space is an ordered set of nonnegative integer addresses.(一个非负整数的有序集合)
  • Linear address space: Ordered set of contiguous non-negative integer
    addresses {0, 1, 2, 3 … }。为了简化讨论,后面均采用线性地址空间。
  • Virtual address space: Set of N = 2^n virtual addresses {0, 1, 2, 3, …, N-1}
  • Physical address space: Set of M = 2^m physical addresses {0, 1, 2, 3, …, M-1}
  • 地址空间明确区分了数据对象data objects (bytes)和它们的attributes (addresses)。
  • Basic idea of virtual memory: allow each data object to have multiple independent addresses, each chosen from a different address space.
  • Each byte of main memory has a virtual address chosen from the virtual address space, and a physical address chosen from the physical address space.

Why Virtual Memory

  • It uses main memory efficiently by
    • treating it as a cache for an address space stored on disk
    • keeping only the active areas in main memory
    • transferring data back and forth between disk and memory as needed.
  • It simplifies memory management by providing each process with a uniform address space.
  • Isolates address spaces
    • One process can’t interfere(干涉) with another’s memory
    • User program cannot access privileged kernel information and code


  • create and destroy chunks of memory
  • map chunks of memory to portions of disk files
    • read or modify the contents of a disk file by reading and writing memory locations
    • load the contents of a file into memory without doing any explicit copying
  • share memory with other processes

VM as a Tool for Caching

  • Virtual memory is an array of N contiguous(连续的) bytes stored on disk. Each byte has a unique virtual address that serves as an index into the array. The contents of the array on disk are cached in physical memory (DRAM cache)
  • The data on disk is partitioned into blocks that serve as the transfer units between the disk and the main memory.
  • VM systems handle this by partitioning the virtual memory into fixed-size blocks called virtual pages. Similarly, physical memory is partitioned into physical pages.
  • virtual page有三种
    • Unallocated: have not yet been allocated (or created) by the VM system, do not occupy(占用) any space on disk.
    • Cached. Allocated pages that are currently cached in physical memory.
    • Uncached. Allocated pages that are not cached in physical memory.


在DRAM的某处缓存了三个virtual page,一些page没有被缓存依旧存储在磁盘上(比如vp2),有些page甚至没有分配,所以在磁盘上不存在。

DRAM Cache Organization

  • 若未命中DRAM cache,从磁盘中获取数据的代价是非常大的。

    • DRAM is about 10x slower than SRAM.
    • Disk is about 10,000x slower than DRAM.


  • Large page (block) size: typically 4 KB, sometimes 4 MB
  • Fully associative
    • Any VP can be placed in any PP.
    • Requires a “large” mapping function – different from cache memories.
  • 更复杂的替换算法(替换page),无法在硬件中实现,而替换算法相对简单的cache memory则利用了硬件并行查找。替换失误造成未命中的成本远远大于复杂算法执行的成本。
  • Write-back rather than write-through

Page table

A page table(页表) is an array of page table entries (PTEs) that maps virtual pages to physical pages.



valid: 1代表当前vp在DRAM中,0且地址不为空代表在磁盘上,0且地址为null代表unallocated page。

Page hit

CPU执行move指令、call指令、ret指令、或者任何类型的控制转移指令,会生成一个虚拟地址。MMU(Memory Management Unit)会在页表中查找。


Handling Page Fault

  • Page fault: reference to VM word that is not in physical memory (DRAM cache miss)
  1. Page miss causes page fault (an exception)。硬件触发异常。
  2. 导致控制权转移到内核中的page fault handler的代码块
  3. 从Physical memory选择出一个page需要被替换,比如pp4。如果vp4被修改过,内核还需要将数据写回到磁盘。
  4. 内核从磁盘上获取vp3加载到内存中,并更新Physical memory和页表
  5. 当内核中的Page fault handler返回时,它返回到导致错误的指令位置,然后重新执行该指令,page hit。



  • The activity of transferring a page between disk and memory is- known as swapping or paging.
  • All modern systems use demand paging.

Allocating Pages

page table中的PTE5还没有分配,如果需要分配则要调用malloc函数:先在磁盘上分配这个page(vp5),PT5指向vp5。并不会一开始就存放在DRMA缓存中,直到被使用到为止。所谓的分配只是修改PTE而已。


分配新page的时候大多是都会有一个选项,可以分配全为0的page,这样的page不需要存储在磁盘上,它会在内存中,就好像它是在磁盘上创建然后加载到内存中一样,磁盘上不存在这些全为零的pages。page可以映射到文件,code对应的page实际上映射到二进制文件中包含code的部分,当未命中page时候,会将这些code pages加载进来。

Locality to the Rescue Again

虚拟内存因为要复制数据、分配内存、修改页表,甚至可能会出现大量的cache miss而导致swapping,看起来很低效,但是因为局部性原理并不会上面讲的那样低效。

在任何时间点,程序因为局部性倾向于在working set(set of active virtual pages)上工作,具有更好的时间局部性程序的working set会更小。一般来讲,开销比较大的情况只有初始化working set时候将在磁盘的page加载到内存的时候,后续使用working set将会是page hit。


  • If (working set size < main memory size): 当前所有的page都在主存
  • If (SUM(working set sizes) > main memory size)。当所有进程的working set之和大于主存大小,就会导致Thrashing:页面不断的在内存和磁盘之间来回复制。

VM as a Tool for Memory Management

  • Key idea: each process has its own virtual address space。
    • It can view memory as a simple linear array.
    • 内核通过为每个进程的上下文中提供属于自己的单独页表来实现。
  • Simplifying memory allocation
    • Each virtual page can be mapped to any physical page
    • 每个进程的页表映射了该进程的虚拟地址空间,虚拟地址空间中的page可以映射到物理地址空间(DRAM)中的任何位置。不同的虚拟页(vp)和不同的进程可以映射到不同的物理页(pp)。
    • 相同的虚拟页也可以在不同的时间存储在不同的物理页中。
    • 每个进程都有一个非常相似的虚拟地址空间,相同大小的地址空间、code和data都从相同的位置开始,但是随后进程使用的page可以分散在内存中,以最有效的方式使用内存。
    • 没有虚拟内存以前,是按物理内存分区的形式为进程分配内存,增加进程及其麻烦,无法知道物理空间位于内存中的哪个地方,需要重新定位等。
  • Sharing code and data among processes
    • Map virtual pages to the same physical page (here: PP 6)
    • 这就是共享库的实现方式,比如共享lib.c,只需要在物理内存中加载一次即可。

Simplifying Linking and Loading

程序代码和数据一开始没有被加载到内存,只有出现未命中才会进行真正的加载,demand paging。



VM as a Tool for Memory Protection


  • sup: supervisor. Processes running in kernel mode can access any page, but processes running in user mode are only allowed to access pages for which SUP is 0.
  • READ and WRITE: control read and write access to the page (i.e., process i is running in user mode: r: vp0/1, rw: vp1, not allowed: vp2)
  • 如果一条指令违背了这些权限,CPU将触发一个exception(通常是segmentation fault),将控制权转向exception handler,该handler将发送SIGSEGV信号给该进程


VM Address Translation

Address Translation With a Page Table


在intel系统中,页表的起始地址(物理地址)保存在一个特殊的CPU寄存器页表基址寄存器(Page Table Base Register,PTBR)中,它被称为CR3(control register 3:控制寄存器3)




Speeding up Translation with a TLB

  • Page table entries (PTEs) are cached in SRAM(L1/L2/L3) like any other memory word

    • PTEs may be evicted(驱逐) by other data references
    • PTE hit still requires a small L1 delay

    (In any system that uses both virtual memory and SRAM caches, there is the issue of whether to use virtual or physical addresses to access the SRAM cache. Most systems opt for physical addressing.)

  • Solution: Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)

    • Small set-associative hardware cache in MMU
    • Maps virtual page numbers to physical page numbers
    • Contains complete page table entries for small number of pages




Multi-Level Page Tables





2个level 2的页表覆盖了这分配的2k个page,1个level 2页表覆盖栈page(1023个null PTEs,因为大部分没有使用到),1个level 1页表,共需要4个页表。

足够的level 2的页表就能覆盖实际使用的虚拟地址空间部分。没有用到的page就放到Gap区域,无需为它搞一个页表。

reduces memory requirements in two ways

  1. if a PTE in the level 1 table is null, then the corresponding level 2 page table does not even have to exist.
  2. The level 2 page tables can be created and paged in and out by the VM system as they are needed, which reduces pressure on main memory. Only the most heavily used level 2 page tables need to be cached in main memory.

Translating with a k-level Page Table

